For EDCI 352, I had to create an introductory video for Multiliteracies, to introduce myself to my fellow cohort members as well as the students at Esquimalt High. I decided to take some creative liberty with this project, and instead of recording a video of myself, I wanted to draw a cartoon-self-portrait. The timelapse screen capture was not long enough, so I added some other sketches for fun—and to show some more things about myself.

This paired nicely with my free inquiry project, too. I got to do some Chibi cartoon art, which is not my usual style. For those who don’t know, Chibi is a phrase of Japanese slang that refers to an animal or person that is drawn to be very short. It comes from the word “chibiru” which means means to wear out the tip of an object (like a pen or pencil) or to become shorter.

Using Procreate on my iPad Pro, I was able to record a timelapse of my drawing  process. Then, I used iMovie to edit together the footage and add some voice over and music to the video.

Watch the “Who Am I?” video here!