Free Inquiry Project:
Still TBD, but I think I might do some kind of drawing project for my free inquiry. I’d like for it to have classroom application, obviously, but I’m not sure where to go with that yet. Multiliteracies do include visual and creative literacy, so I’m confident that I will find a way to make my free inquiry worthwhile.
Tech Inquiry Project:
We discussed our ideas for tech inquiry projects again in class. I’m still not 100% sure what I’d like to do, but I think making a Twine game about healthy relationships and effective communication is where I’d like to go with my project.
Today’s Learning:
The tech difficulties we all experienced in class today did not allow for a whole lot of learning actual technology (how to use Trello, how to set up our WordPress blogs, etc.). I will say it was a reminder that when you’re using technology things often go wrong. Since plan A and B both failed, so we decided to talk about creative commons licensing for the last hour of class.
Perhaps it would have been beneficial for us to set up our own opened wordpress blogs at home with a ‘how to’ guide, as the website couldn’t seem to handle all of us accessing it at once. There is the reality that we could have ended up behind in this class, as this is a three hour, once-a-week course. Thankfully, in the last half hour of class, we were finally able to get through to set up our wordpress accounts. Huzzah!